According to Urban Dictionary

Boheme - Carefree lifestyle unbounded by convention.

Bohemian - Movement of artist and poets in late 19th century France, especially in Paris. Bohemians believed in living outside of the bourgeois (conventional, middle class) mainstream culture. Bohemians were against the Salon (the institution that controlled the literary and art market in France until the turn of the 20th century)and believed that art and literature should be radical. They often gathered in "cafes" and drank absinthe. Many Bohemians were politically radical, being either anarchists or members of the Commune de Paris during the Franco-Prussian war. The Bohemian movement died out at the turn of the century but had a large influence on later movements such as surrealism, the beat generation, and punk rock.
Toulouse - Lautrec depicted the romanticized life of many Bohemians, although the reality of the life-style was often very difficult and tragic.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Last Weekend.

I have been remiss with updates and I am sorry and shall try to do

better. I have decided I should at least blog what happens on my

weekends as that is when most of my adventures seem to happen.

So, I shall rewind a week and take you back to last Friday. B came

home early so after I picked the children up from school and

dropped them at home I left early for Paris where I was going

to stay with I for the weekend. However, I was two or three

hours earlier than I had planned to be so noone was home

after wandering for awhile I decided to sit in a brasserie and

have some dinner whilst looking out on the street of paris in

front of me. I then went to I's and she was going to the beach

in Belgium the next day. So we arose at six the next morning

and I prepared some food to take and then S arrived to drive

us to Belgium. After a bumpy beginning with the car not

starting for awhile we were soon on the way and me having no

idea of travel times and distances assumed we would eb there

in an hour or two. 3 1/2 hours later found us arriving in Le

Panne Belgium. It is a little beach town that is very charming

and we sat at a cafe over looking the beach and had a drink in

the sunshine enjoying the delightful beach air and beautiful weather.

Afterwards I and S did some shopping and then we went to Dunkerque for some more shopping and dinner on the beach. I know you might find this hard to believe but I didn't buy a thing all day except food and drink, perhaps I'm learning afterall.
After this we went near Calais to a friend of I's house before heading home to Paris. The next day on the Sunday I met L,G,K and M for a nice girly lunch at a beautiful restaurant in the fourteenth then we headed back to L's place for tea before I headed home to Chantilly weary but happy from a surprising weekend.

ps: I didn't mean to hyperlink the beginning text and now can not get rid of it so please forgive the weirdness.

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